Category Archives: Raspberry Pi Pico

Schematic for Tilt Meter Using the MPU6050

Below we show the detailed schematic we use for the Tilt Meter we are developing based on the MPU6050 IMU sensor.

MPU 6050
Schematic for Creating a Tilt Meter

This is the simple code for measuring acceleration in the x and y axis. We will develop this much further in future lessons, but this is just to verify things are hooked up correctly, and that we can measure accelleration.


Convert HSV to RGB in Micropython

In this video lesson we showed how to convert an angle on the HSV color wheel into an RGB value that can be applied to an RGB LED. In effect, we can find a color we like on the HSV color wheel, and turn the LED in our project that color. The video above shows the framework we are using, and then derives the equations, and then develops the code. For your convenience, the code for the conversion is shown below. To make this a library, we save it as on our Raspberry Pi Pico W. You can save it either in the same folder your main programs are in, or in the lib folder. To use the library, then simply import the file (h2RGB) and call the method h2RGB.getRGB(degrees), where degrees is the point on the HSV color wheel you want to convert. All of this is explained in detail in the above video.


Raspberry Pi Pico W Mobile Weather Station Project

In this video lesson, we create a mobile sensorless weather station. This is a follow on from our earlier lesson, and with this class, we add a rechargeable LiPo Battery, and an OLED screen. For your convenience, we show the code below that was developed in this video.


Sensorless Remote Weather Station Project

In this video lesson we show you step-by-step instructions on how to build a sensorless weather station on your Raspberry Pi Pico W. We show how to download real-time weather data from the internet, how to parse the data, and then display it. For your convenience, we include the code below which we develop in the video.


Measure Temperature and Humidity on the Raspberry Pi Pico W

In this video lesson we show how to create a simple project where the Raspberry Pi Pico W is connected to a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. The Pico measures the temperature and humidity from the sensor, and then displays it both on the Computer Screen, and on the LCD display we have connected to the Pico.  The display toggles between showing degrees C and degrees F via a pushbutton. The schematic for the circuit is shown below:

Raspberry Pi Pico with DHT11
Schematic showing how to connect LCD, pushbutton and DHT11 to the Raspberry Pi Pico W

Below is the software we developed for this project. Note you must first install the LCD library, which we show how to do HERE.