Tag Archives: openCV

Using the Raspberry Pi Camera on Bullseye OS and OpenCV

Then the following code will allow you to grab a frame and show a frame in a window. Looking this sequence creates a live video preview on your Raspberry Pi Screen.


AI for Everyone LESSON 29: Control of Real World Objects with Gesture Recognition in Mediapipe

In this video lesson we show you how you can control objects in the real world using OpenCV, Python, Mediapipa and our old friend, the Arduino. On the Python side, we recognize hand gestures, and then we pass the recognized gesture to Arduino and Arduino lights LED in response to what hand signal is seen. This is a simple example, but a very powerful method. Instead of LED, you could operate servos, stepper motors or relays to control any manner of different devices. For your convenience, this is the code we used on the Arduino side:

And on the python side, we used the following code.


AI For Everyone: Parsing Pose and Hand Data Landmarks from Mediapipe

 In this video lesson we show you how to create simple Python classes to parse the data from mediapipe hand Landmarks and pose estimation. With these two classes, it is very easy to parse the most important data generated by mediapipe.


AI for Everyone: Developing a Gesture Based Arcade Game Based on Mediapipe and Python

In this video lesson we introduce the concept of using OpenCV and Mediapipe to create gesture based arcade games in Python. In this lesson we suggest creating a gesture based version of the classic Pong arcade game. We show enough to get started, and your homework is to complete the game.


AI for Everyone LESSON 15: Face Detection using OpenCV

In this video lesson we show a simple method to detect faces in a WEB cam frame using openCV and Haar Cascades. We use pretrained models to find, box and track faces in a frame. Enjoy!