Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

LCD1602 Display Library for Micropython and the Raspberry Pi Pico W

This is some demonstration sample code showing use of the LCD1602 as an LCD display for the Raspberry Pi Pico W. The code is explained in the video above. It will prompt a user for his name, and then display a greeting on the LCD.


Below is the library for the Sunfounder Kepler Kit LCD1602 display. It allows the LCD display to operate with the Raspberry Pi Pico W. The code should be copied and pasted into Thonny, and then saved to your Raspberry Pi Pico W, to the same folder that contains you Python code. It MUST be saved with file name


Raspberry Pi LESSON 63: Object Detection on Raspberry Pi Using Tensorflow Lite

In this lesson I show you how to do object detection on the Raspberry Pi using Tensorflow Lite. We will write our first program and by the end of the lesson you will have your Pi detecting objects, boxing them and labeling them in OpenCV.

The video demonstrates step-by-step how to install the tensorflow libraries.

For your convenience I have included the code below we develop in this lesson


Raspberry Pi LESSON 61: Finding and Tracking Faces and Eyes In OpenCV

In this video lesson we show how to use Haar Cascades in OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi to find and track  faces and eyes. We show the intelligent way to find eyes, such that CPU resources are not wasted. Below we show the code for your convenience.


Raspberry Pi LESSON 59: Improved Pan/Tilt Tracking Control Algorithm


In this Video Lesson we show an improved control algorithm for tracking an Object of Interest in OpenCV. We develop a simple example of Proportional control, where the correction signal is proportional to the error signal. We show this is a much improved algorithm over our earlier one, which simply applied 1 degree corrections independent of the size of the error. The code we develop in this lesson is included below for your convenience.


Raspberry Pi LESSON 58: Control System for Pan/Tilt Camera Hat for RPi Camera

In this video lesson, we should a simple control algorithm for a pan tilt camera to track an Object of Interest in OpenCV. We train the device to recognize an Object of Interest based on color, and then the camera is adjusted to keep the object in the center of the frame as the device moves. For your convenience, the code developed in the lesson is included belos.