Category Archives: OpenCV

AI for Everyone: Parsing Hand Position Data in Mediapipe

In this video lesson we show how to properly parse the hand position data coming from the Mediapipe Library. Mediapipe returns a rather complex data structure, and in this video we show you how to crack into that data structure, and pull out useful data; specifically, the (x,y) position data of the various landmark data on the hand. We create a python class that can be reused in future programs, allowing you to simply call the python class in order to properly pull out hand landmark data. Enjoy!


AI FOR EVERYONE HOMEWORK SOLUTION: Face Recognition with Live Video in OpenCV

In this video lesson we show you how to recognize faces in live video from your WEBcam. It  is the homework solution for lesson #16. This builds on the earlier video lessons in this series, so if any of this does not make sense, go back and check out some of the earlier lessons.


AI for Everyone LESSON 16: Face Recognition with OpenCV

Guys in this lesson we learn how to not only detect faces in an image, but also recognize who the person is. We start by training our model with known faces, and then find and identify those faces in other pictures. For your convenience, I include the code developed in this lesson below.


AI for Everyone LESSON 15: Face Detection using OpenCV

In this video lesson we show a simple method to detect faces in a WEB cam frame using openCV and Haar Cascades. We use pretrained models to find, box and track faces in a frame. Enjoy!


Using Contours in OpenCV to Track an Object of Interest


In this lesson we showed how to track on object in openCV based on color, create contours for the object of interests, and then track the object of interest by drawing a bounding box around it. For your convenience, the code is included below.