Tag Archives: Programming

Robotics Training LESSON 7: Calibrating the Smart Car for Distance and Speed

In this lesson we show how to program the Elegoo Smart car to operate with user defined speed and distance. This allows programming by simply stacking simple pre-defined functions. If you want to play along at home, you can get the hardware I am using in this series HERE.


Arduino Tutorial 20: Understanding RGB LED’s

In this lesson you will learn how to work with RGB LED’s. RGB LED’s can be used to create not only the primary colors, but also all mixtures of the primary colors. This video shows you how to connect up a Common Cathode RGB LED. This project is a little more complex than the ones we have done in the past, so I include the code down below. While the code is here for your reference, you should not just copy and paste it. In order to really learn, you need to type it in for yourself, and then find and debug your mistakes. If you just copy and paste from me, you will never learn how to troubleshoot.

In these lessons, we are using the Elegoo Arduino kit, which you can purchase HERE.

Arduino Tutorial 19: Reading Strings from the Serial Monitor

In lesson 18 you learned how to read integers or floating point numbers into the Arduino from the Serial Monitor. It is also very helpful to be able to read Strings, or words from the Serial Monitor. In this video we show you the ins and outs of reading Strings into the Arduino.

If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.

Arduino Tutorial 18: Reading Numbers from the Serial Monitor

In many projects, it is very useful to get input from users. You need to be able to prompt the user for input, and then input that information into the Arduino. In most cases, users will not know how to program, so you need to have an easy way to interact with them. In earlier lessons, we showed how you can send messages or information from the Arduino using the Serial Monitor. In today’s lesson, we show you how to read input from the user through the Serial Monitor.

If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.

Arduino Tutorial 17: Understanding Arduino While Loops

In the last two lessons you have learned the ins and outs of programming with For Loops. There are similar loops called While Loops. In this video we show you how to program using While Loops. Anything that can be done with a For Loop can also be done with a While Loop. Which one you use is just a matter of preference. For me, I often times would prefer to use While Loops. If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.