Tag Archives: Robotics

Robotics Training LESSON 18: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance

In this lesson we explore using the HC-SR04 to detect obstacles, and then avoid collisions by stopping the car. This requires a more sophisticated control algorithm for the desired distance for the car to travel. Making it even more tricky, after the obstacle is removed, the car needs to resume its programmed mission. The video shows my solution to this problem


Robotics Training LESSON 16: Using the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor for Echolocation

In this lesson we explain the concept of echolocation, and how the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor can be used to measure the time it takes a ping to go out, bounce off a target and come back. From this ping travel time, it is possible to  precisely calculate the distance to the target. For your convenience, the code we developed is included below.


Robotics Training LESSON 15: Using the BLE Bluetooth Module for Robotic Control

In this lesson we show how to control the Elegoo Smart Car Robot Kit using the Bluetooth module. This allows much more accurate control than what was possible with the IR Remote. Below is the code which we developed in the lesson.


Robotics Training LESSON 13: Program Speed of the Elegoo Smart Car with Infrared (IR) Remote

In this lesson we show you how to program the speed of the Elegoo Smart Car version 3 using the infrared (IR) remote control. We show how this is similar to inputing desired distance, taught in Lesson 12. If you want to play along at home, you can pick up your gear HERE. For your convenience, we include the code developed in the video below.


Robotics Training LESSON 12: Programming Travel Distance with Infrared (IR) Remote

In this lesson we show how to use the Infrared (IR) Remote to program the Elegoo Smart Car. We use the remote to specify the distance in feet we want the robot car to travel.  (If you guys want to play along at home, you can pick up your robot car HERE.)