Beaglebone Black LESSON 2: Getting Started

In this lesson we show you how to boot up your Beaglebone Black, and how to connect via the Putty SSH terminal client, and how to remotely run the graphical desktop on your PC. If you do not already have your Beaglebone Black, you can pick up one HERE.

The Beaglebone black has only one USB connection, so I find the easiest way to work with it is to just connect by a remote desktop, instead of trying to connect screen, keyboard, and mouse directly to the Beaglebone. This lesson will get you started so you can get connected and talking to your Beaglebone.

Beaglebone Black LESSON 1: Understanding Beaglebone Black Pinout

This is the first in a series of lessons on the Beaglebone Black. Hopefully you have been with us through our earlier series of lessons on the Arduino, Python, and the Raspberry Pi. If you have been through those lessons learning the Beaglebone will be a snap.

If you are going to follow along with us in these lessons, you can go ahead and order your Beaglebone HERE.

To get started, we need to first of all get our mind around all the different pins. I have put together the diagram below for the default pin assignments for the Beaglebone black.

Beaglebone Black Pinout
Default Pin Configuration for the Beaglebone Black Rev. C.

You can see that the Beaglebone has a large number of pins. There are two headers. Make sure you orient your Beaglebone n the same direction as mine in the picture, with the five volt plug on the top. In this orientation, the pin header on the left is referred to as “P9” and the pin header on the right is referred to as “P8”.  The legend in the diagram above shows the funtions, or the possible functions of the various pins. First, we have shaded in red the various 5V, 3.3V, 1.8V and ground pins. Note that VDD_ADC is a 1.8 Volt supply and is used to provide a reference for Analog Read functions. The general purpose GPIO pins have been shaded in green. Note some of these green pins can also be used for UART serial communication. If you want to simmulate analog output, between 0 and 3.3 volts, you can use the PWM pins shaded in purple. The light blue pins can be used as analog in. Please note that the Analog In reads between 0 and 1.8 volts. You should not allow these pins to see higher voltages that 1.8 volts. When using these pins, use pins 32 and 34 as your voltage reference and ground, as pin 32 outputs a handy 1.8 volts.  The pins shaded in light orange can be used for I2C.  The dark orange pins are primarily used for LCD screen applications.

Comparing the Arduino, Raspberry Pi Model 2, and Beaglebone Black

In this video we do a head to head comparison of the Arduino, Raspberry Pi Model 2, and the Beaglebone black. We compare the pros and cons of each platform and discuss how to decide which platform to learn on and which is best for different types of projects.

You can pick up the gear discussed in this video below:

Arduino: This is a great place to start, and the device is very affordable.

Sparkfun Inventor Kit: Everything you need to learn microcontroller programming and circuits. This is the kit we use in our Arduino Lessons, and even includes the Arduino.

Raspberry Pi Kit: This kit has everything you need to follow along on our Raspberry Pi Lessons.

Raspberry Pi: If you already have the cords and cables, you can buy just the Raspberry Pi.

Beaglebone Black: We are not working on a series of lessons showing you how to use the Beaglebone Black. Now would be a good time to go ahead and order your Beagle.

I hope you enjoyed this video lesson, and hope you will jump in and take our lessons on using the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and the Beaglebone Black

Raspberry Pi LESSON 37: Run a Remote Graphical Desktop From the Raspberry Pi

In earlier lessons we showed you how to remotely login to your Raspberry Pi using the putty SSH program. This is great for many things, but sometimes you would like to have the full Raspberry Pi graphical desktop available from a remote computer. In this lesson we show how to run the Pi Graphical User Interface remotely. The software is TightVNCserver, and it really works great. The video above steps you through installing and running the software.

Raspberry Pi LESSON 36: Operate Your Raspberry Pi in Single Click Mode

I really hate having to double click on icons or programs to get them to open. This lesson is a quick one, but explains how to get your Raspberry Pi to open files, folders and programs with a single click of the mouse. To do this boot the Pi in the Graphical Interface. Then click on the file cabinet icon to get a folder to open. Then under Edit select Preferences. Then check the box that says “Open Files with Single Click”.  Done!