Tag Archives: keypad

Raspberry Pi LESSON 37: Raspberry Pi Security System


In this lesson we add an audible alarm to our security system. I am connecting to a Bluetooth speaker, and then using the pygame library to play an alarm sound. The pygame library will play any .mp3 file, so search the internet and find a suitable alarm sound for your system. I amusing an air raid siren, and really like it! Below for your convenience is the code we develop in this video:


Raspberry Pi LESSON 36: Motion Detection Alarm System With LCD and Keypad

In this lesson we show the basic framework for an Alarm System with operator control through a keypad, and output to an LCD screen. We incorporate a PIR sensor to detect motion. In the next lesson we will add an audible alarm. For your convenience, the code developed in the above video is included below:


Library for Reading a 16 Button Keypad on the Raspberry Pi

In this lesson we show you how to create a Python Class and Library that allows you to easily get user input on a Raspberry Pi from a 16 button keypad. This will allow very easy interaction with the keypad.

The Library Code which we develop in the video is presented below for your convenience:

To use this code as a library, save it in the same folder as your python programs, and save it as KPLIB.py


This is a simple demo program that calls the library above, to receive input from the keypad.