Tag Archives: Jetson

AI on the Jetson Nano Lesson 46: Synchronizing Multiple Cameras with OpenCV

In this lesson we learn how to use Python Classes, Methods and Threading to run two cameras in OpenCV without latency or synchronization problems.  Below we include the code developed in the video above.


Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 4: Understanding and Using Gstreamer for Absolute Beginners

In this lesson we show you how to understand the great mystery known as Gstreamer.  Most folks using the NVIDIA Jetson Nano or the NVIDIA Jetson Exavier NX just copy and past the launch string they found on the internet, but do not have a clue how Gstreamer actually works. In this video we will take you through it step-by-step, and show you how to actually understand what you are doing, and how to design your own pipes for maximum performance and image quality. Below are all the commands we used in the video lesson