Category Archives: Tutorial

Arduino Tutorial 17: Understanding Arduino While Loops

In the last two lessons you have learned the ins and outs of programming with For Loops. There are similar loops called While Loops. In this video we show you how to program using While Loops. Anything that can be done with a For Loop can also be done with a While Loop. Which one you use is just a matter of preference. For me, I often times would prefer to use While Loops. If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.

Arduino Tutorial 15: Understanding Arduino For Loops

So far, we have been just using the Arduino Void Loop, which basically loops forever. In this lesson you will learn how to create For Loops, which will allow you to control the conditions of the Loop. This is a very powerful programming technique, and it will allow you to take your projects to more advanced levels. If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.

Arduino Tutorial 13: Understanding Arduino If Statements

In many real world applications, you want your programs to branch into different directions depending on values that you are reading from sensors. For such cases, you need to us IF statements. IF statements allow you to do different things depending on conditions. This lesson shows you how to use IF statements, and the different conditions that can be used with these commands. If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.


Arduino Tutorial 12: Understanding Potentiometers

Potentiometers are very powerful components that allow a variety of cool capabilities when incorporated into a project. A potentiometer is a knob, which can be used to control all manner of different components in your project. The potentiometer is basically a variable resistor, whose resistance depends on the position of the knob. We can use a potentiometer to do things like control the volume in a speaker, or to control the brightness of an LED. If you want to follow along at home, you can order the Arduino Kit we are using HERE.