Tag Archives: I2C

Scan Arduino to Find I2C Addresses


A challenge in many Arduino projects is that it can be difficult to get I2C components working properly. Many times the libraries and demonstration code indicate a certain I2C address for the component, but the Arduino is unable to find the component at that Address. This can be a challenge, because often times we might not have the exact same version of the component that is assumed in the libraries and code. A perfect example of this are the SSD1306 OLED displays. Many of the components look identical, but they can have different I2C addresses. In order to overcome this challenge, the following code allows you to scan your I2C Bus, and list the address of all the components found. Simply attach the component as instructed in the component documentation. Then run the following code. It will list the address of the I2C components it finds. Then you can edit the sample code to use the proper address. Enjoy!


Library for I2C Connection of the LCD1602 to the Raspberry PI

This lesson shows how to connect an LCD1602 to a Raspberry Pi using only 4 wires by I2C. You will need to copy the code below, and create a program called LCD1602.py, and save it in the same folder your main python programs are in.