Tag Archives: Calibration

Robotics Training LESSON 9: Calibrate Robot Car Turn Angles with Linear Regression

Guys in this lesson we show how you can use linear regression to more accurately calibrate turns for our robot car. We will take you through the math step-by-step, and then show how to code up the results. If you want to play along at home, you can get your Elegoo Robot Car HERE.

For your convenience, the code we developed in the lesson is included below.


9-Axis IMU LESSON 5: Calibrating the BNO055 9-axis Inertial Measurement Sensor

Our 9-axis BNO055 9-axis sensor connected to our Aurduino Nano

In this lesson we show you how to get a clean calibration on your BNO055 9-axis sensorIn the video below we take you through the coded needed to calibrate the sensor, and a simple technique to quickly get the system properly calibrated.

The code developed in this video will be used in future lessons, and is included below:

The code below is for demo purposes only, and should not be used in any real applications. It just demonstrates how to work with this sensor in benchtop presentations.