This is the arduino code we developed in this lesson to approximate roll, pitch and yaw over small ranges.
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This is the python code we developed to visualize the 3 dimensional rotation of a rigid body.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | from vpython import * from time import * import numpy as np import math import serial ad=serial.Serial('com5',115200) sleep(1) scene.range=5 toRad=2*np.pi/360 toDeg=1/toRad scene.forward=vector(-1,-1,-1) scene.width=600 scene.height=600 xarrow=arrow(lenght=2, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(1,0,0)) yarrow=arrow(lenght=2, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,1,0)) zarrow=arrow(lenght=4, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,0,1)) frontArrow=arrow(length=4,shaftwidth=.1,color=color.purple,axis=vector(1,0,0)) upArrow=arrow(length=1,shaftwidth=.1,color=color.magenta,axis=vector(0,1,0)) sideArrow=arrow(length=2,shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,0,1)) bBoard=box(length=6,width=2,height=.2,opacity=.8,pos=vector(0,0,0,)) bn=box(length=1,width=.75,height=.1, pos=vector(-.5,.1+.05,0), nano=box(lenght=1.75,width=.6,height=.1,pos=vector(-2,.1+.05,0), myObj=compound([bBoard,bn,nano]) while (True): while (ad.inWaiting()==0): pass dataPacket=ad.readline() dataPacket=str(dataPacket,'utf-8') splitPacket=dataPacket.split(",") roll=float(splitPacket[0])*toRad pitch=float(splitPacket[1])*toRad yaw=float(splitPacket[2])*toRad+np.pi print("Roll=",roll*toDeg," Pitch=",pitch*toDeg,"Yaw=",yaw*toDeg) rate(50) k=vector(cos(yaw)*cos(pitch), sin(pitch),sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)) y=vector(0,1,0) s=cross(k,y) v=cross(s,k) vrot=v*cos(roll)+cross(k,v)*sin(roll) frontArrow.axis=k sideArrow.axis=cross(k,vrot) upArrow.axis=vrot myObj.axis=k myObj.up=vrot sideArrow.length=2 frontArrow.length=4 upArrow.length=1 |