In this lesson we show you how to visualize Yaw and Pitch in Vpython. We create a visual representation of our breadboard, Arduino Nano, and BNO055 and then rotate it in three dimensions with and without pitch. For your convenience, the code we developed in this video are presented below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | from vpython import * from time import * import numpy as np import math scene.range=5 toRad=2*np.pi/360 toDeg=1/toRad scene.forward=vector(-1,-1,-1) scene.width=600 scene.height=600 xarrow=arrow(lenght=2, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(1,0,0)) yarrow=arrow(lenght=2, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,1,0)) zarrow=arrow(lenght=4, shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,0,1)) frontArrow=arrow(length=4,shaftwidth=.1,color=color.purple,axis=vector(1,0,0)) upArrow=arrow(length=1,shaftwidth=.1,color=color.magenta,axis=vector(0,1,0)) sideArrow=arrow(length=2,shaftwidth=.1,,axis=vector(0,0,1)) bBoard=box(length=6,width=2,height=.2,opacity=.8,pos=vector(0,0,0,)) bn=box(length=1,width=.75,height=.1, pos=vector(-.5,.1+.05,0), nano=box(lenght=1.75,width=.6,height=.1,pos=vector(-2,.1+.05,0), myObj=compound([bBoard,bn,nano]) while (True): pitch=45*toRad for yaw in np.arange(0,2*np.pi,.01): rate(50) k=vector(cos(yaw)*cos(pitch), sin(pitch),sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)) y=vector(0,1,0) s=cross(k,y) v=cross(s,k) frontArrow.axis=k sideArrow.axis=s upArrow.axis=v myObj.axis=k myObj.up=v sideArrow.length=2 frontArrow.length=4 upArrow.length=1 |