In this lesson we show you how to control a pan/tilt camera bracket with the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX. We go through the physical build of the bracket, how to connect the circuit, and then how to program the servos. We use the Adafruit circuitpython library, and show how to download and use the library. If you want to play along at home, you can pick the pan/tilt bracket and servos up HERE, and you can grab a couple of Raspberry Pi cameras HERE.
Below is the simple code for moving the servo using the Jetson Xavier NX:
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import time from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit kit=ServoKit(channels=16) tilt=125 pan=0 kit.servo[0].angle=pan kit.servo[1].angle=tilt for i in range(0,180): kit.servo[0].angle=i time.sleep(.05) for i in range(180,0,-1): kit.servo[0].angle=i time.sleep(.05) for i in range(45,180): kit.servo[1].angle=i time.sleep(.05) for i in range(180,0,-1): kit.servo[1].angle=i time.sleep(.05) |