Tag Archives: Face Recognition

Parsing Mediapipe Data for Pose Landmarks, Hand Landmarks and Face Bounding Box


In this lesson we show how to create python classes to parse the data coming from Mediapipe for hand Landmarks, Pose Landmarks and the bounding boxes for found faces. Creating these classes allows the difficult parsing to be done in the class, and then have a simple way to parse and use all the data.


AI FOR EVERYONE HOMEWORK SOLUTION: Face Recognition with Live Video in OpenCV

In this video lesson we show you how to recognize faces in live video from your WEBcam. It  is the homework solution for lesson #16. This builds on the earlier video lessons in this series, so if any of this does not make sense, go back and check out some of the earlier lessons.


AI for Everyone LESSON 15: Face Detection using OpenCV

In this video lesson we show a simple method to detect faces in a WEB cam frame using openCV and Haar Cascades. We use pretrained models to find, box and track faces in a frame. Enjoy!


Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 15: Training the Face Recognition Program to Recognize People

In this video lesson we should you a simple method to train our face recognizer on larger data sets. We use the python os.walk command to step through, and train automatically on all the training images in our folder. We then show how to store our training set to our SD card using the pickle utility. This allows us to train once, and use the trained model over and over.

For your convenience, the code below is what we developed to allow training our face recognition model.

Then this is a simple program that loads the trained model, and uses it to recognize people in unknown images.


Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 14: Face Recognition and Identification on NVIDIA Xavier NX

In this video lesson we show you how to train the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX to recognize faces, and then demonstrate finding those faces in a new unknown image.  We show step by step instruction in this easy to follow tutorial. We develop two python programs. The first one simply finds the faces in an unknown image, and the second program actually identifies the known faces. For your convenience, the code is included below.

Simple face detection Python code:

This next python program will learn faces, and then recognize them in new images.