Tag Archives: AI

Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 10: Tracking Multiple Objects of Interest with Servos in OpenCV

In this lesson we learn how to use OpenCV on the Jetson Xavier NX to track an object of interest in with two cameras on two Pan/Tilt servo brackets. The system tracks based on HSV color space, but the same basic setup could be used with other object detection algorithms. In this project we are using the Jetson Xavier NX, which you can pick up HERE. You will also need to of the bracket/servo kits, which you can get HERE, and then two Raspberry Pi Version two cameras, available HERE.


Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 7: Connecting and Controlling Servos

In this lesson we show you how to control a pan/tilt camera bracket with the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX. We go through the physical build of the bracket, how to connect the circuit, and then how to program the servos. We use the Adafruit circuitpython library, and show how to download and use the library. If you want to play along at home, you can pick the pan/tilt bracket and servos up HERE, and you can grab a couple of Raspberry Pi cameras HERE.

Below is the simple code for moving the servo using the Jetson Xavier NX:


Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 6: Camera Gear and Setup for Future Lessons

In this lesson we discuss the future direction of this series, and the gear needed to move forward.

Moving forward, I will be running two pan/tilt servos for the raspberry pi cameras. I suggest buying the same gear HERE. I suggest purchasing two units.

Then, we also need two Version two raspberry pi cameras. I like the following ones, because they include a neat little acrylic case, and the long cable, which makes it work much better on the pan/tilt bracket. You can get the cameras HERE.

AI on the Jetson Nano Lesson 46: Synchronizing Multiple Cameras with OpenCV

In this lesson we learn how to use Python Classes, Methods and Threading to run two cameras in OpenCV without latency or synchronization problems.  Below we include the code developed in the video above.