Category Archives: Python

AI For Everyone: Parsing Pose and Hand Data Landmarks from Mediapipe

 In this video lesson we show you how to create simple Python classes to parse the data from mediapipe hand Landmarks and pose estimation. With these two classes, it is very easy to parse the most important data generated by mediapipe.


Distinguish Between Right and Left Hands in MediaPipe


In this video lesson we explore how to parse the data set returned from mediapipe to understand whether a given hand is a right hand or a left hand. Mediapipe has a method which determines the handedness of a found hand. We will show how to alter our data parsing class from earlier lessons to include the handedness of the found  hands. Enjoy!


AI for Everyone: Developing a Gesture Based Arcade Game Based on Mediapipe and Python

In this video lesson we introduce the concept of using OpenCV and Mediapipe to create gesture based arcade games in Python. In this lesson we suggest creating a gesture based version of the classic Pong arcade game. We show enough to get started, and your homework is to complete the game.


AI FOR EVERYONE HOMEWORK SOLUTION: Face Recognition with Live Video in OpenCV

In this video lesson we show you how to recognize faces in live video from your WEBcam. It  is the homework solution for lesson #16. This builds on the earlier video lessons in this series, so if any of this does not make sense, go back and check out some of the earlier lessons.


AI for Everyone LESSON 16: Face Recognition with OpenCV

Guys in this lesson we learn how to not only detect faces in an image, but also recognize who the person is. We start by training our model with known faces, and then find and identify those faces in other pictures. For your convenience, I include the code developed in this lesson below.